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Discover the life of birds
Birds of The United Kingdom

Common Goldeneye
Regent's Park

Common Goldeneye
Regent's Park

Tufted Duck
Hyde Park

Tufted Duck
Hyde Park

Common Eider
Titchwell Marsh

Mandarin Duck
Regent's Park

Mandarin Duck
Regent's Park

Mandarin Duck
Regent's Park

Northern Shoveler
Hyde Park

Northern Shoveler
Hyde Park

Northern Shoveler
Hyde Park

Northern Shoveler
Hyde Park

Common Pochard
Hyde Park

Common Pochard
Hyde Park

Red-crested Pochard
Hyde Park

Red-crested Pochard
Regent's Park

Red-crested Pochard
Regent's Park

Eurasian Wigeon
London Wetland Centre

Titchwell Marsh

Titchwell Marsh

Eurasian Coot
Regent's Park

Eurasian Coot
Regent's Park

Eurasian Coot
Regent's Park

Common Moorhen
Hyde Park

Rainham Marshes

Rainham Marshes

Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Great Cormorant
Hyde Park

Grey Heron
Rainham Marshes
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